Information for Journalists

“I am David, nature filmmaker and ecologist. In my films I show only free-living wildlife and I want to inspire for nature. I have been working intensively about the European hamster since 2020 and would be pleased to support you as an expert in your reporting.”
This is what I can offer
a clear attitude and expertise
Practical experience on habitat, endangerment and protection of the Common hamster in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria and Kazakhstan
high quality photos
of wild European hamsters
in different habitats
quick and uncomplicated response
written quotes,
interviews on the phone, via videocall,
at your place or ours
Press contact

For interviews or other inquiries, kindly contact Heide Moldenhauer:
+49 3641/ 271 69 52
Press photos – David Cebulla
Get in touch with us for more images. And visit David Cebulla’s website for our current press releases and further press photos from other projects:
Press releases
Shooting ends for The Last Common Hamsters after two years on the hamster field (October 2022)
Note on credits
Thank you for your interest! You may use the photos and texts on this page to report about David Cebulla and his work. We kindly ask you to inform us if you do.